Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What To Wear To Practice

You see it with almost every newbie. They show up for there first practice in their finest roller derby duds. Usually consisting of a cute shirt, jean shorts, tights, neon knee highs, And lots of makeup.

Now I can understand that your meeting people for the first time that you want to look nice and stuff. But It will not impress anyone. At least on my team when newbies dress like that my teamates find it annoying and even a little insulting. We work hard to be treated like serious athletes. So don't dress like some "roller derby barbie" dress like a athlete cause that is what we are.

What I recommend to wear to practice is simple get your self a pair of leggings (i like the ones that go to the knee) or compression shorts.

For a top grab any shirt you have and that's all you need!
As far as hair goes i usually go with a low bun, side pony, or braided pig tails. they all fit under your helmet and keeps it out of your eyes. And for makeup you can wear either very minimal makeup or none at all.
Alright this has been my post on "What To Wear To Practice". I know it was short but i hope you liked it!
Alright BYE!!!
                           -Verruca Assault
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