In a couple of days my team and i are leaving for our first tournament. in this blogpost im going to be going through what i have been doing to prepaare for this. both with my team and on my own. i hope you enjoy!
Leading up to the tournemnent you should drink plenty of water and eat plenty of carbs so you have somthing to burn durring the bouts (eg: brown rice, whole grains, pasta ECT). this should be a week of rest with little to no exersise. yoga or streching could be a good option.
Make sure you have the right wheels with the right hardness for whatever surface you are going to be skating on. Remember to clean all your gear and your wheels oiling your barring is a good idea to.
once you get to the airport make sure to have your skate bag as a carry on. I've heard to many horror storys about skate being lost, damaged or stolen. before you get there make sure to make sure your bag fits the carry on reqirements.
While on the plane its inportent to drink plenty of water. instead of spending 4 dollars to buy water after you get through security at the airport bring a empty watter bottle and fill it up at a water fountain.
once your at the hotel remeber to get plenty of sleep and have a protein rich breakfast!
thanks for reading! And as always comment and follow!