When I first started derby I had no idea what to bring to practice. I really wish I would've known because I could have made my life so much easier. I want you guys to have a easier (and less smelly) start to your derby life. so to help you guys out here is my post on "What To Keep In Your Skate Bag".
The first thing you are going to need is a bag to keep it all in. You have a couple of options the first one is a duffel bag. This is what I use and my favorite option and also probably the easiest to find.

Another option you have is the Riedell skate bags. A lot of girls in my league use these and can be kinda expensive but i hear they work really well.
After you have your bag picked out you are going to want to have your skates and all you pads. Make sure you have a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, wrist guards and a mouth guard.
You are also going to want to keep a can of Lysol or disinfecting spray so you can spray your pads and skates after every practice to keep your skates a little less smelly.
You definitly want to get a skate tool from Riedell to make sure your wheels are tightened and your toe stops wont fall out.
one of my favorite products for getting rid of bruises is arnica! I perfer the gel formula but the oral or creme works well to!
I also recommend keeping a extra pair of socks in your bag you never now when you might forget to grab some socks on your way out the door.
If you are at a high enough skill level to scrimmage then you want to definitely keeps some black and white shirts in your bag.
You should also keep a hairbrush and some hair ties in you bag you never know when you might need one and helmet hair is the worst!
And of course lots of water and a healthy snack for after practice!
OK so these are my essential things to keep in your skate bag if you have any ideas that i missed make sure to tell me in the comments!
P.S if you have any requests for us to make youtube videos or blog post ons tell me!
----- Verruca Assault (level 3 skater)
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