Tuesday, February 26, 2013

preparing for a tournament

In a couple of days my team and i are leaving for our first tournament. in this blogpost im going to be going through what i have been doing to prepaare for this. both with my team and on my own. i hope you enjoy!

 Leading up to the tournemnent you should drink plenty of water and eat plenty of carbs so you have somthing to burn durring the bouts (eg: brown rice, whole grains, pasta ECT).  this should be a week of rest with little to no exersise. yoga or streching could be a good option.

Make sure you have the right wheels with the right hardness for whatever surface you are going to be skating on. Remember to clean all your gear and your wheels oiling your barring is a good idea to.

once you get to the airport make sure to have your skate bag as a carry on. I've heard to many horror storys about skate being lost, damaged or stolen. before you get there make sure to make sure your bag fits the carry on reqirements.
While on the plane its inportent to drink plenty of water. instead of spending 4 dollars to buy water after you get through security at the airport bring a empty watter bottle and fill it up at a water fountain.
once your at the hotel remeber to get plenty of sleep and have a protein rich breakfast!
thanks for reading! And as always comment and follow!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Level 1 Skills Test

Although I'm a level three skater now, it wasn't long ago that I was a newbie skater studying for my first skills test. I was so nervous that I wouldn't pass.  I was afraid I woud make a  fool of myself in front of my fellow skaters. I found that when I got on the track with my coaches and the other test takers I felt great. I passed it on my very first try! All do to the fact that I studied online and practiced at the rink any time I could! And I want you to pass also, that is why I wrote this blog post on what iI think you coaches are really looking for when they test you for level one.

(DISCLAIMER: I'm using the test from the JRDA website. I know that they may not be the exact same as the WFTDA tests. But they were what I could find online and as I am a JR skater i think these are fine.)

(this is the test I am using, found here)
Skating Posture/Stride: Your coaches don't want someone who is flailing all over the place or is slumped over. They want yo to skate fluidly, confidently, have strength, and STAY IN DERBY POSITION!! You should bend your knees but keep your chest up and your back straight.
Stops: They are going to ask you to plow stop and to T-stop on both feet. Make sure when you do your T-stops all four of you wheels on you back skate stay on the ground. And on your plow stop if you are having trouble coming to a complete stop you can pop your shoulders up just a little bit.
Falls: If you are ready to test, you probably know your falls and the proper forms. So what I'm going to stress here is: Quick recoveries. Aim for two seconds and don't use your hands to get up!
Balance/Agility: Whoever is testing you is going to ask you to step side to side, backwards and forwards.Try not to roll to much when you do this. This is Make sure you can skate with a 90 degree bend in your legs. And that you can "sticky skates"
Speed: For the level one test you have to complete 7 laps in two minutes. Practice as much as you can at your local roller rink! But if you are still having trouble make sure you are "skating the track". Skate on the outside of the track on the straight aways and the insides in the corners, making a diamond shape.
Rules: As far as rules go make sure you study up! I think everyone should read the rules over and over! There is no such thing as knowing them to well.
This has bean my Post on the level 1 skills test! I hope you enjoyed it! I plan on doing the level 2 and 3 test soon. And I'm really sorry I haven't written a post in a while! The holidays really do get busy!
Don't Forget to give me suggestion for posts! And please... Comment, follow and like me on facebook!