Saturday, January 4, 2014

Derby goals

Its the beginning of 2014 and its time to set your derby goals for the year. Whether you're a newbie, or a seasoned travel skater this is a great way to get yourself motivated. They can be specific goals, or just to eat healthier. Anything that will contribute to your skating ability.


1.) workout outside of practice at the gym or at home.
2.)help my little sister* and have her feel more welcomed into the league
3.)Maker roster for every bout this season
4.) become a better jammer
5.) watch more derby online.
6.) drink more water!

What are your goals?

* My league has a little sister program where level threes adopt newbie skaters and help them learn.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

preparing for a tournament

In a couple of days my team and i are leaving for our first tournament. in this blogpost im going to be going through what i have been doing to prepaare for this. both with my team and on my own. i hope you enjoy!

 Leading up to the tournemnent you should drink plenty of water and eat plenty of carbs so you have somthing to burn durring the bouts (eg: brown rice, whole grains, pasta ECT).  this should be a week of rest with little to no exersise. yoga or streching could be a good option.

Make sure you have the right wheels with the right hardness for whatever surface you are going to be skating on. Remember to clean all your gear and your wheels oiling your barring is a good idea to.

once you get to the airport make sure to have your skate bag as a carry on. I've heard to many horror storys about skate being lost, damaged or stolen. before you get there make sure to make sure your bag fits the carry on reqirements.
While on the plane its inportent to drink plenty of water. instead of spending 4 dollars to buy water after you get through security at the airport bring a empty watter bottle and fill it up at a water fountain.
once your at the hotel remeber to get plenty of sleep and have a protein rich breakfast!
thanks for reading! And as always comment and follow!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Level 1 Skills Test

Although I'm a level three skater now, it wasn't long ago that I was a newbie skater studying for my first skills test. I was so nervous that I wouldn't pass.  I was afraid I woud make a  fool of myself in front of my fellow skaters. I found that when I got on the track with my coaches and the other test takers I felt great. I passed it on my very first try! All do to the fact that I studied online and practiced at the rink any time I could! And I want you to pass also, that is why I wrote this blog post on what iI think you coaches are really looking for when they test you for level one.

(DISCLAIMER: I'm using the test from the JRDA website. I know that they may not be the exact same as the WFTDA tests. But they were what I could find online and as I am a JR skater i think these are fine.)

(this is the test I am using, found here)
Skating Posture/Stride: Your coaches don't want someone who is flailing all over the place or is slumped over. They want yo to skate fluidly, confidently, have strength, and STAY IN DERBY POSITION!! You should bend your knees but keep your chest up and your back straight.
Stops: They are going to ask you to plow stop and to T-stop on both feet. Make sure when you do your T-stops all four of you wheels on you back skate stay on the ground. And on your plow stop if you are having trouble coming to a complete stop you can pop your shoulders up just a little bit.
Falls: If you are ready to test, you probably know your falls and the proper forms. So what I'm going to stress here is: Quick recoveries. Aim for two seconds and don't use your hands to get up!
Balance/Agility: Whoever is testing you is going to ask you to step side to side, backwards and forwards.Try not to roll to much when you do this. This is Make sure you can skate with a 90 degree bend in your legs. And that you can "sticky skates"
Speed: For the level one test you have to complete 7 laps in two minutes. Practice as much as you can at your local roller rink! But if you are still having trouble make sure you are "skating the track". Skate on the outside of the track on the straight aways and the insides in the corners, making a diamond shape.
Rules: As far as rules go make sure you study up! I think everyone should read the rules over and over! There is no such thing as knowing them to well.
This has bean my Post on the level 1 skills test! I hope you enjoyed it! I plan on doing the level 2 and 3 test soon. And I'm really sorry I haven't written a post in a while! The holidays really do get busy!
Don't Forget to give me suggestion for posts! And please... Comment, follow and like me on facebook!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What To Wear To Practice

You see it with almost every newbie. They show up for there first practice in their finest roller derby duds. Usually consisting of a cute shirt, jean shorts, tights, neon knee highs, And lots of makeup.

Now I can understand that your meeting people for the first time that you want to look nice and stuff. But It will not impress anyone. At least on my team when newbies dress like that my teamates find it annoying and even a little insulting. We work hard to be treated like serious athletes. So don't dress like some "roller derby barbie" dress like a athlete cause that is what we are.

What I recommend to wear to practice is simple get your self a pair of leggings (i like the ones that go to the knee) or compression shorts.

For a top grab any shirt you have and that's all you need!
As far as hair goes i usually go with a low bun, side pony, or braided pig tails. they all fit under your helmet and keeps it out of your eyes. And for makeup you can wear either very minimal makeup or none at all.
Alright this has been my post on "What To Wear To Practice". I know it was short but i hope you liked it!
Alright BYE!!!
                           -Verruca Assault
Have a suggestion on what i should write about? Comment below! And don't forget to "like" me on facebook and follow the blog to get updates every time I post!
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Friday, November 16, 2012

Roller derby names

Due to my thespian side one of my favorite parts of roller derby is the tradition of roller derby names.
I love to put on a character! But i don't think of Verruca Assault as being a different person then Zoe I just think of her as 100% Zoe plus more. So many newbies come to practice with out a name not really "getting" the point of these stage names, but with most by the end of there first month there being called Slam Cake or PinaKillada or even something simple like Evanna Jam. A Lot of leagues nowadays are opting out of names feeling that they want to be taken as serious athletes. They think that this goofy tradition is prohibiting them from doing so. Although i respect there right to do so I would never get rid of having a name! It would be like changing my identity! If you Choose to Have a derby name here are some guidelines on how to choose one. Aswell as some information on Opting out of derby names.

 * A roller derby name should be something witty, tough, and funny there is no right way to come up with a name but I can give you a few guidelines!
  * Some of my favorite names are ones that play off of famous people or characters. like mine Verruca Assault which plays off of the character Verruca Salt from the children's book Charlie and the Chocolate factory, or my teammate Loretta Limb hers is a homage to the country artist Loretta Lynn.
  * Another way is to think of words that you can break up to have another meaning. You could use the word tsunami and be Sue-nami or elemental could be Ellie-Mental.
   * A lot of people like to use "hard" or "tough" words when they come up with names like kill, slam, or pound.
  * Your name doesn't have to be linked to your real name! you could be Sue-Namee even if your real name is Angelica!
  * Your name doesn't have to mean anything it can just mean... you.
  * Your name doesn't have to be permanent. Even I haven't always been Verruca (Yes i used to be a Quick wit!) so don't stress it! Its supposed to be fun!
  * You don't even have to have a name a lot of leagues are opting out of derby names now just to go by their legal names!
In 2009 some roller derby girls began giving up derby names, choosing to compete under there legal names rather than stage names. Some examples are Team Legit, a pick up team of "star skater" from the northwestern USA flat track leagues. Also in 2010, Race City Roller Derby of Charlotte, NC announced that all of its players would compete using legal names. Not to mention many more leagues and individuals in the recent years. Unless you league says what you have to do one way or another, choosing to have a derby name or to opt out is up to you.
There a couple of website that have derby name generators. I Advise you to not use a name from one of these, unless you find one you really like. it just takes some of the fun out of it. I think they are mostly silly and a fun ways to get your mind thinking!
Fresh Meat Name Generator

Mia Psycho's Roller Derby Name Generator

Another website you need to check out is the International Rollergirls' Master Roster it has all the names from all the leagues. Even though I hear that it can be a little unreliable I still check here before I pick a name. (unfortunately it doesn't include Junior teams).
Im not going to say much about numbers just a quick tid bit. If your league allows you to choose your number a good way that is interesting is police codes. This is how I chose my number (the police code for assault) and you can find these all over the world wide inter web!
Alright guys thanks for reading my post on Roller derby names! I hope it helped you! Please share my blog with you derby sisters! and as always comment and follow! if you have any requests make sure to tell me and I will try to write it for you!
- Verruca Assault
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Monday, October 22, 2012

(guest post) How To Clean Your Wheels/Barrings

Ok this is the seccond guest post by my teamate slam cake and todays is on "how to clean your wheels/barrings" thank you Slammy :)

-- Veruca Assault

How to clean your wheels--
First, make sure all of your bearings are out of each wheel. Then, take rubbing alcohol and pour some of it on a rag. Scrub your wheels with the rag till all the dust and grit rubs off. You may have to "put your back in to it" to get the grit off. If you're still having trouble removing grit out of your wheels, you can place them in a bathtub and soak them in warm water for about 15 minutes. After this, take a tooth pick or use the end of a match to scrape the chunks out of your wheel.

How to clean your bearings--
First, take all of your bearings out of your wheels. Get a small bowl or a container with a lid and place all of your bearings in it; then pour either nail polish remover or carbon cleaner (you can buy this at the Dollar Store) into the bowl till the bearings are covered with the liquid. Shake your bearings around a bit in the bowl and let them soak for a couple of minutes. Afterwords, take an old tooth brush and scrub the bearing. You will know when it's clean when the bearing spins fluidly. To test this, gently hold the hole in the middle of the bearing between your fingers while placing your other finger on the outside of the bearing; then stroke your finger down to spin it. Spin the bearing in both directions. If it spins fluidly, then the bearing is clean! If the bearing suddenly stops to spin or feels as if something is tugging, then you need to soak the bearing a little longer and scrub it more. Once the bearing is clean, place it on a paper towel to dry. After the bearing is dry, take gun oil (makes sure it's not machine oil!!!") and only pour one drop on each side of the bearing. Spin the bearing. Place the bearing back into the clean/dry wheel and you're done!

--- Slam Cake

(PS dont forget to follow for more bloggy goodness!)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

(Guest post) How To Clean Your Pads

hey guys its Veruca! today we have a quick guest post by my team mate and mentor Slam Cake!!!!
I want to say thank you so much to Slam for writing this post "How To Clean Your Pads", and the post that is going to be out tommrow "how to clean your barring/wheels". I love you slam!
- Veruca Assault

"Ugh, what's that smell!?!" Said Slamcake with a disgusted look on her face. "Well it's not me....I think it's you!" Said Coach Crush with a slight grin. "No it's not me.....oh my gosh, it's my pads!!!"-Said Slamcake in disbelief. Coach Crush then said, "You need to wash those things!". "How?" "Don't you know?" "NO! No one ever told me!"

I have not only gone through this myself, but I have heard this conversation so many times with other skaters. No worries though, there's a simple solution!
There are two ways to wash your pads--

1. Take all of your pads, (knee, elbow, wrist, ezee fits, and helmet pads) and throw them in the clothes washer. Set the temperature on cold and set the load to medium. Remember, don't set it to a small load; a small load won't allow the pads to move around. And always set the temperature to cold because warm water will damamge your pads overtime. Depending on how bad the stench is, I either pour a medium amount of laundry detergent or enough detergent for a large load of clothes in the washer. I like to set the washer on "regular" which is about ten minutes.

2. If you want to wash your pads with a load of clothes, then all you have to do is put your pads into a pillow case (or a mesh bag), tie it tightly, and stick it in the washer. Make sure you set the temperature on cold and if you have a small load then you will need to set the washer to medium. If it's a medium load then set it to large. That way, the pads can move around. The "small = medium, medium= large" concept also applies to how much detergent you put in the washer.
-- Slam Cake
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