Sunday, October 21, 2012

(Guest post) How To Clean Your Pads

hey guys its Veruca! today we have a quick guest post by my team mate and mentor Slam Cake!!!!
I want to say thank you so much to Slam for writing this post "How To Clean Your Pads", and the post that is going to be out tommrow "how to clean your barring/wheels". I love you slam!
- Veruca Assault

"Ugh, what's that smell!?!" Said Slamcake with a disgusted look on her face. "Well it's not me....I think it's you!" Said Coach Crush with a slight grin. "No it's not me.....oh my gosh, it's my pads!!!"-Said Slamcake in disbelief. Coach Crush then said, "You need to wash those things!". "How?" "Don't you know?" "NO! No one ever told me!"

I have not only gone through this myself, but I have heard this conversation so many times with other skaters. No worries though, there's a simple solution!
There are two ways to wash your pads--

1. Take all of your pads, (knee, elbow, wrist, ezee fits, and helmet pads) and throw them in the clothes washer. Set the temperature on cold and set the load to medium. Remember, don't set it to a small load; a small load won't allow the pads to move around. And always set the temperature to cold because warm water will damamge your pads overtime. Depending on how bad the stench is, I either pour a medium amount of laundry detergent or enough detergent for a large load of clothes in the washer. I like to set the washer on "regular" which is about ten minutes.

2. If you want to wash your pads with a load of clothes, then all you have to do is put your pads into a pillow case (or a mesh bag), tie it tightly, and stick it in the washer. Make sure you set the temperature on cold and if you have a small load then you will need to set the washer to medium. If it's a medium load then set it to large. That way, the pads can move around. The "small = medium, medium= large" concept also applies to how much detergent you put in the washer.
-- Slam Cake
(PS make sure to follow me to get more "bloggy" goodness! and comment!)

1 comment:

  1. Also, in the summer, put your pads in the sun to dry! The sun will help to kill bacteria in those funky things!
